First Impression
I want to talk about "First Impression". as some people have bombarded me with questions about it.
Everyone has a picture or an idea of what to expect at the first appearance. Behaviours or expectations must click for there to be a positive outcome.
When you go out on a first date, you are not the only one looking for something. It goes both ways.
If your impressions does not correspond, you will not find a common ground.
Hanging out with someone on the first day on a date, doesn't channel the possibility of a continued friendship on one person.
When you go out there, bear in mind that you are not the only one looking for something. Your first impressions must meet a common ground for there to be progress.
There must exist a connection, mentally and physically.
I will expand on this later, bear with me for now. Drop your questions, I will be on the comments section.
Photo credit; Google.
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